Friday, October 11, 2019


C Programming Tutorials

1. C Fundamentals

       Introduction to C

       Set up C lab

              Create, compile and run
              Using Command line
              Using CodeBlocks

       Hello world C program

       The C compilation process

       Keywords and Identifiers
             Operators and separators
             Arithmetic operators
             Assignment operator
             Relational operators
             Logical operators
             Bitwise operators
             Increment/Decrement operator
             Conditional operator
             Precedence and associativity

       Literals in C

       Comments in C

2. C Programming Basics

       Data types in C
       Variables and Expressions
       Defining Constants
       Basic input and output

3. C Flow Control

       Flow control statements

             Decision statements
                  Simple if
                  If…else and if…else…if
                  Nested if…else
                  Switch case
                  If…else…if vs switch…case

             Looping statements
                  for loop
                  while loop
                  do…while loop
                  Nested loops

             Jump statements
                  break statement
                  continue statement
                  goto statement
                  Infinite loops

4. C Functions

       Functions in C
       Function arguments
       return statement
       Types of functions
       Recursion in C

       Variable length arguments (var-args)

5. C Scope Rules

       C local variables
       C static variables
       C global variables

       C storage classes

6. C Arrays and Matrices

       C Arrays
       C multi-dimensional array

       C Arrays and functions

7. C Pointers

       C Pointers Introduction
       C Pointer arithmetic
       C Pointer to Pointer
       C Pointers and Array
       C const pointer and pointer to const
       C void pointer

       C Function pointer

8. Memory management

       Compile time & runtime memory allocation

       Dynamic Memory Allocation

9. Structures and Union

       C Structures
       C Unions

       C typedef

10. C Preprocessors

       Basic and conditional preprocessor directives

       Stringize and token pasting operator

C Tutorials


  • Keywords & Identifier
  • Variables & Constants
  • C Data Types
  • C Input/Output
  • C Operators
  • Basic Examples


  • if...else Statement
  • C for Loop
  • C while Loop
  • break and continue
  • switch Statement
  • Decision Examples


  • Functions Introduction
  • User-defined Function
  • Function Types
  • Recursion in C
  • Variable Scope
  • Function Examples


  • C Arrays Introduction
  • Multidimensional Array
  • Arrays & Functions
  • Strings in C
  • String Functions
  • Array Examples


  • C Pointers
  • Pointers & Arrays
  • Pointers & Functions
  • Memory Management
  • Pointer Examples


  • C Structure
  • Structure & Pointers
  • Structure & Functions
  • C Unions
  • Structure Examples
  • Files Handling


  • C Examples
  • C Library Function

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